The Secondary-level Board does preparation work for the Establishment Board on matters concerning the collège and lycée. The Educational Board is a consultation body for the teachers on the establishment’s educational policy. It prepares the educational side of the establishment’s plans, including proposals for any educational experiments. The Lycée-life Board (conseil de vie lycéenne – CVL) is the dedicated forum for exchanges between pupils and staff of the educational community; this is where all the concrete questions relating to life within the establishment are discussed. The Collège-life Board (conseil de la vie collégienne – CVC) gives a voice to pupil representatives to inject new dynamism to the collèges, to introduce new projects and improve the functioning of the establishment and pupils’ well-being. The Disciplinary Board is responsible, when tasked, for applying any sanctions stipulated by the establishment’s internal regulations, including those that may only be imposed by head of the establishment.